2023: TODA and Kanvas
Melkio solo exhibition at Theatre of digital Art (TODA)

Location: TODA Dubai
Period: October 2023
Curator: Project22
From Melkio to India
Un viaggio andata e ritorno nell’estetica visuale indiana reintrepetata nello stile di Melkio.
Uno show visuale in cui ciascun artwork racconta una piccola storia.
From Melkio to India
It is a round trip into the Indian visual aesthetic reinterpreted in the Melkio’s style, an Italian artist. A visual show where each artwork is telling a short story
+ some others artworks from melkio

A New Era of Indian Aesthetics with Melkio at TODA ????
— Theatre Of Digital Art Dubai (@TODADXB) October 31, 2023
Right in the heart of our immersive space, Secret Room powered by @Project22art, is where age-old Indian aesthetics intertwine with innovative art mediums, thanks to @melkio14 pic.twitter.com/mjK0PwnD8l
Kanvas Immersive room
Collective exhibition

Location: Kanvas Dubai
Period: June / July/ August 2023
Curator: Project22

Artwork Title:
Artwork description:
It doesn’t exists unique answers, concert and scientific to some question the umani been is asking to himself since ever. If we would ask to Artificiali Intelligence, current or future, it couldn’t answer. And in the missing of datas, to solve the problem, the A.I. could create new datas, imaginaries, invented to bridging the logic gap in its own answer, could it be comparable to our belief system?
The artwork represent the machina consultation in order to get an answer to oof those questions using its related “magic cards”, named in binary code and created from the reality analysis and dreams present in the huge humans’s database.
The artwork represent the machina consultation in order to get an answer to oof those questions using its related “magic cards”, named in binary code and created from the reality analysis and dreams present in the huge humans’s database.
Non esistono risposte uniche, vere e scientifiche ad alcune domande che l’uomo si pone da sempre. Se le ponessimo ad un intelligenza artificiale, attuale o futura, non potrebbe rispondere. E in mancanza di risposte e in mancanza di dati, per poter risolvere il problema l’intelligenza artificiale potrebbe creare dei nuovi dati, immaginari, inventati per colmare i vuoti logici nella sua risposta, paragonabili però ai nostri sistemi di credenze?
L’opera rappresenta il consulto della macchina per rispondere ad una di quelle domande a delle proprie “carte magiche”, nominate in codice binario e creati dall’analisi della realtà e dei sogni presente nell’enorme database di dati dell’umanità.
Immersive room in #dubai now with my immersive artwork #nft #digital pic.twitter.com/AcNcivozQL
— melkio (@melkio14) June 22, 2023
L’artwork è stato scelto da DUBAI TV per un video promozionale turistico sulla destinazione.
The artwork was chosen by DUBAI TV for a tourism promotional video about the destination.